Engage Your Heart

This weekly rhythm is here to help our partners and those who are joining us regularly at Mercyview engage with the Scripture, songs, and structure of Sunday's service. It is a way to prepare our hearts to receive from the Lord each Sunday.

Each week at Mercyview we enter expecting to meet with God together through the finished work of Jesus and the ministry of the Holy Spirit among us. This weekly post is designed to help those who gather with us on Sundays come into the gathering ready to engage in worship through singing, praying, and hearing in meaningful ways.

How Can You Engage Your Heart?


Read through the provided text that we will be preaching, our weekly catechism question and spend some time considering the topic that will be preached on that Sunday.


Listen or read through the song lyrics that we’ll be singing together and ask the Lord to deepen your understanding of Him through them. Get to know unknown songs or ask for a fresh view of old ones.


Pray for the Lord to reveal Himself to you and the gathered church in powerful ways. Pray for those who are serving this week and for the one who is preparing and preaching God’s Word.

Moving Through Worship

Our worship service is organized into four stages that we call Movements. These movements allow us to focus on specific aspects of worshiping God by giving us context and perspective.

Movement One: God is God and We are Not

Here we have four elements of liturgy preparing our hearts to enter into worship: call to worship, confession of sin, assurance of pardon, and confessing our faith.

Movement Two: We Approach God

In this section of our liturgy we approach God through sung worship and corporate prayer.

Movement Three: God Instructs Us 

In this movement we hear the Word of God read over us and then expounded for our instruction and encouragement

Movement Four: God Feeds Us

In our final movement we reach what we call "the high point" of our gathering. After examining our hearts we approach the table and celebrate the Lord's Supper

Sunday July 7, 2024

New City Catechism

Q28: What happens after death to those not united to Christ by faith?

A: At the day of judgment they will receive the fearful but just sentence of condemnation pronounced against them. They will be cast out from the favorable presence of God, into hell, to be justly and grievously punished, forever.

Scripture Reading

1 Samuel 8:1-22