Mercyview College

Mercyview College is currently not meeting but we desire to restart this ministry in the near future.

Our Vision: We desire to see college students and the college campus transformed by the power of the gospel and discipled in their faith through gospel-centered community and gospel-centered mission.

Our Goals: The students of today will be tomorrow’s leaders in business, the church, and the world. Our goal is to see them radically transformed by the power of the gospel and the love that Jesus has for them through evangelism and discipleship within the context of the local church. Our goal is to see them equipped in their faith for life after college to continue to serve and grow where they are and to be a light for the go

Philosophies for Ministry:

We major in people. Our desire is for the students that come in contact with our ministry to learn to love Jesus more when they graduate from college than they did when they started. We love those who are lost and desire to share Jesus with them. Jesus came to seek and to save the lost and we desire to do the same.

We disciple students within the context of the local church. The church is a place full of people from different backgrounds and it is there where we can rub shoulders with people who “aren’t like us” who will help students to grow in their knowledge of the gospel and of who God is. The local church is also where these students will continue to grow after they grad